
This recipe is easy to make and from start to finish you are eating fresh home made pizza in 30 minutes. The same time it takes to order one. First heat the oven to 425 degrees and lets get started. I usually make this with left over Italian sausage or chicken. Sometimes I like just an onion pizza. Also try your favorite hard sausage instead of pepperoni.

prep time 15 min
cooking time 15 min

Ingredients for Crust
3 cups flour
1 packet of yeast (they have a pizza crust yeast I recommend )
1 1/4 cups warm water to dissolve yeast
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon oil ( I use olive oil )

Dissolve yeast with warm water in a bowl.  mix in 1 cup flour, salt, olive oil. I use an old wooden spoon to stir this mixture until it comes together. Add the rest of the flour one cup at a time until blended and comes together as a ball. Turn out onto a floured surface and knead until it is a nice smooth ball. You can cut this in half for two smaller pizzas or onto one jelly roll pan.

Pizza Topping
1 28 oz can pureed tomatoes w/ basil
Italian seasoning to taste
red pepper flakes (optional)
sea salt
grated mozzarella cheese

Form pizza dough onto pans that have been lightly oiled. Brush dough with oil and sprinkle on sea salt and italian seasoning. Spoon on pureed tomatoes, add toppings of choice. For italian sausage I like to make round balls of sausage an place in the middle of each piece. Sprinkle on mozzarella cheese and bake at 425 for 12-15 minutes or until crust is nice and golden brown and cheese has melted and is bubbling.


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