Week 40 – Menus and Shopping List

Every week I try to buy one thing that is a staple to my regular diet. This week it was more than one. Eggs were very cheap this week. $.59 cents a dozen so I bought two. With the extra eggs I made a quiche for dinner and put leftover cheese ends that I grated along with some herbs and onion. I also found some sausage in the freezer that I browned. I put it in the quiche but also used some as one of the toppings for pizza Friday night. I think the recipe for the pizza dough on this site is quick and easy. Also it’s fun to have friends and family over for a pizza night. Tell each person to bring one or two of their favorite toppings. I then set the table with a huge bowl of salad. As we sit down to eat the salad one or two make a pizza with their favorite toppings. The sauce is an inexpensive can of diced tomatoes that I purée with extra herbs and garlic. You’ll find that as the evening goes on everyone will make their special pizza and share it with the table. Just make the dough ahead of time or make a new batch depending on needs. It doesn’t take long. It will be a fun evening and you will find it cost less than a single pizza ordered in. I got a great buy on chicken breasts and farm raised pork chops which I included in the menu. I cook an extra chicken breast that I then use the meat to make chicken salad sandwiches.

Brunch Quiche, fruit salad
Dinner Pork chops,fresh asparagus, salad

Breakfast Granola, orange or clementine
Lunch salami sandwich , carrot sticks
Dinner pasta salad, fruit

Breakfast Granola, orange
Lunch peanut butter sandwich, fruit
Dinner baked chicken breast stuffed with asparagus , fruit

Breakfast granola, orange
Lunch chicken salad, fruit
Dinner quiche , fresh fruit

Breakfast Breakfast sandwich, orange
Lunch egg salad sandwich, carrots
Dinner leftovers or chef salad,(use ham and fresh vegetables on hand) fruit

Breakfast granola hot or cold, orange or clementine
Lunch cheese sandwich fruit
Dinner pizza, salad (make a big bowl of popcorn and watch a movie)

Brunch Breakfast hash or poached eggs and toast, orange
Dinner baked cod w roasted vegetables, fruit

SHOPPING LIST pork chops, chicken breasts, romaine, Roma tomatoes, eggs, bread, cheese, fruit

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