Week 42 – Menus and Shopping List

This week I found that I had an extra chicken breast left over from a pack of three. Rather than freeze it I’ve been wanting to have chicken hash. Sometimes breakfast for dinner makes for a relaxing meal. It’s similar to the other hash meals but I start with a raw chicken breast rather than cooked chicken. The secret is to cut the chicken into bite size cubes for faster cooking time. Also I found a great buy on pork tenderloin. I like to stock up on them when I do because they freeze well and cook in 30 minutes

Brunch Scrambled eggs, toast, fruit salad
Dinner Chicken breasts roasted with mayo and Parmesan cheese, roasted vegetables

Breakfast Granola, orange or clementine
Lunch peanut butter sandwich, carrot sticks
Dinner white bean salad,leftover roasted vegetables with aioli, fruit

Breakfast Granola, orange
Lunch salami sandwich, fruit
Dinner cauliflower soup, fruit

Breakfast granola, orange
Lunch peanut butter sandwich, fruit
Dinner chicken hash, fresh fruit

Breakfast breakfast sandwich, orange
Lunch cauliflower soup, carrots
Dinner baked cod with roasted potatoes, salad, fruit

Breakfast granola hot or cold, orange or clementine
Lunch cheese sandwich fruit
Dinner pizza, salad (make a big bowl of popcorn and watch a movie)

Brunch Breakfast hash or poached eggs and toast, orange
Dinner pork tenderloin, asparagus, salad fruit

Chicken breasts,pork tenderloin, asparagus, cauliflower, romaine, eggs, bread, cheese, fruit

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