week 23 – menu and shopping list

This week we start with a hearty vegetable soup that has cabbage in it. We also use the cabbage in the asian noodle salad midweek for a very different taste. Interesting how one vegetable can offer two distinct flavors. We end the week with a roasted herbed chicken and potatoes for a meal good enough to invite guests over. Have them bring the dessert.


Brunch Quiche, toast w/ jam, orange juice
Dinner Vegetable soup, fresh fruit

Breakfast Cereal hot or cold, orange juice
Lunch egg salad sandwich, carrot sticks
Dinner hot pork sandwich, frozen vegetable

Breakfast Cereal hot or cold, orange juice
Lunch PB&J sandwich, fresh or canned fruit
Dinner pot roast with carrots onions potatoes, fresh or canned fruit

Breakfast cereal hot or cold, orange juice
Lunch vegetable soup, fruit
Dinner asian noodle salad

Breakfast Breakfast sandwich, orange juice
Lunch  asian noodle salad
Dinner hash, fresh or canned fruit

Breakfast cereal hot or cold, orange juice
Lunch vegetable soup fresh or canned fruit
Dinner   pulled pork sandwich (make a big bowl of popcorn and watch a movie)

Brunch Breakfast hash, orange juice
Dinner roast herbed chicken and potatoes, salad


chicken whole, chuck roast, eggs, cereal (hot or cold), frozen vegetable, carrots, potatoes salad greens, onion, cabbage, orange juice, milk, fresh fruit