Week 41 -Menus and Shopping List

This week I wanted to make a meatloaf, its been a while. As I said at week 26 our goal was to not repeat a weekly menu. I think we’ve done that but I don’t want to avoid eating things I enjoy. So three recipes from the past are on the menu. Meatloaf red beans and rice,(found a package in the pantry, its amazing how things seem to hide there. Take stock of what you have on hand.) and pizza. Actually these days I use the dough and sauce recipe but the toppings are always evolving. The quick tomato soup is a recipe I will post soon and you make it from inexpensive diced tomatoes and chicken broth. Also I hope you are making your own chicken broth from the bones of the whole roast chickens we have. The secret is to simmer the bones for 4-5 hours. Just add the pieces of onion celery and carrots you might toss. Then strain when done. So good. A can of tomato soup is inexpensive but contains a lot of sugar.


Brunch Quiche, fruit salad
Dinner Meat loaf, roasted Brussels sprouts, baked potato

Breakfast Granola, orange or clementine
Lunch peanut butter sandwich, carrot sticks
Dinner quick tomato soup, grilled cheese, fruit

Breakfast Granola, orange
Lunch meatloaf sandwich, fruit
Dinner baked cod,roasted vegetables, fruit

Breakfast granola, orange
Lunch egg salad sandwich or tomato soup, fruit
Dinner red beans and rice, fresh fruit

Breakfast Breakfast sandwich, orange
Lunch meatloaf sandwich, carrot sticks
Dinner chef salad or leftovers, fruit

Breakfast granola hot or cold, orange or clementine
Lunch cheese sandwich fruit
Dinner pizza, salad (make a big bowl of popcorn and watch a movie)

Brunch Breakfast hash or poached eggs and toast, orange
Dinner Roasted chicken, roasted vegetables, fruit

Grass fed beef or ground turkey, chicken, Brussels sprouts,diced tomatoes, eggs, bread, cheese, fruit